When you are charged with Criminal Possession of a Weapon for possessing a revolver, pistol, gun or other firearm, you need your NY criminal defense attorney to fight relentlessly for you. Sometimes that “fight” may be more creative than adversarial, but the best criminal defense lawyers must persevere on behalf of their clients regardless of the case. As NY criminal defense attorneys and former Manhattan prosecutors, we at Saland Law PC know this because we have successfully fought for our clients under the harshest circumstances. Not only have our clients benefited as a result of our knowledge and experience, but Saland Law PC has been sought out by CNNSi.Com, the Times-Ledger and the AM NY as legal analysts on the crime of Criminal Possession of a Weapon. Practicing what we preach and utilizing our experience, Saland Law PC is pleased to announce that we obtained an Adjournment in Contemplation of Dismissal for our client who was charged with Criminal Possession of a Weapon.
Our client faced the charge of Criminal Possession of a Weapon for possessing a loaded firearm in NYC. The complaint was very strong in that it was alleged that our client personally possessed both the revolver and the ammunition. Knowing that our client would face a minimum of 3.5 years in state prison if he was convicted, we put together an extensive “package” for the prosecution detailing many factors that should, and did, mitigate the severity of the offense and even the culpability of our client. We did so in an expedient manner and reached a disposition with the District Attorney’s Office by the first adjournment after our client was arraigned in criminal court. Not only were we able to obtain a tremendous disposition on his behalf (the case is to be dismissed and sealed), it was completed quickly so that our client could put the incident behind him and move on with his life and career. Equally if not most importantly, our client’s freedom remained intact.