Articles Posted in White Collar Crimes

Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance, Jr. announced the arrest and indictment of Steven Mandala, a former stockbroker with the Maxim Group and Merrill Lynch. According to the District Attorney’s Office, Mr. Mandala stole $780,000 from Merill Lynch after he allegedly told Merrill Lynch that he was not only a partner at Maxim Group (he was merely an employee stockbroker making $100,000), but that he was in charge of managing $300 million of clients’ assets. As a result of his work with Maxim Group, prosecutors allege that Mr. Mandala claimed he generated $1.5 million in revenue. Due to Mr. Mandala’s claims, alleged “improvements” to his resume, and his assertion he was compensated in the neighborhood of $765,000 a year by Maxim Group, Merrill Lynch hired the stockbroker and advanced Mr. Mandala $780,000. As a result of his chicanery, which was somewhat less successful, Mr. Mandala was charged with Grand Larceny in the Second Degree, Money Laundering in the Second Degree, Identity Theft in the First Degree, Criminal Possession of a Forged Instrument in the Second Degree and Falsifying Business Records in the First Degree.

Despite Mr. Mandala’s alleged claims that he managed $300 million and generated $1.5 million in revenue, it is alleged that Mr. Mandala not only rarely went to work, but that he brought in only $20,000 in new business. During he approximately two months as an employee at Merrill Lynch, it is alleged by prosecutors that Mr. Mandala deposited the $780,000 into his parents’ account and purchased a Ferrari under his father’s name. Mr. Mandala’s employment came to an end when he allegedly sent an email to Merrill Lynch indicating that he was not only resigning, but that all his personal effects should be discarded.

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It is very easy in New York State to compound a bad mistake and inadvertently roll it into a felony case. To find an example of this, one needs to look no further than the Grand Larceny in the Fourth Degree pursuant to New York Penal Law 155.30(4) and Criminal Possession of Stolen Property in the Fourth Degree pursuant to New York Penal Law 165.45(2). These two statutes address the theft and possession of stolen debit and credit cards and are “E” felonies punishable by up to four years in state prison.

Grand Larceny in the Fourth Degree, New York Penal Law 155.30(4):

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You have been arrested with a print out of checking account numbers or a list of maiden names of ten different people. Although it is crumpled up in your wallet, you had not actually used the information or attempted to use that information. Well, is the mere possession of that personal information a violation of New York Penal Law Section 190.81, Unlawful Possession of Personal Identification Information?

Pursuant to NY PL 190.81, Unlawful Possession of Personal Identification Information:

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The pertinent part of New York Penal Law sections 170.05 & 170.10, Forgery in the Third and Second Degree, plainly states that one is guilty of Forgery when with intent to defraud, deceive or injure another, a person falsely makes, completes or alters a written instrument.

Depending on what a person forges, the level or degree of the offense may be elevated from a misdemeanor to a “D” or even a “C” felony. For example, if the item forged is deed, will or instrument created by the government, the crime can go from an “A” misdemeanor punishable by up to one year in county jail (Rikers) to a “D” felony punishable by up to seven years in state prison. Moreover, if one counterfeits United States currency, the crime can be bumped up further to a “C” felony pursuant to New York Penal Law 170.15 and is punishable by up to 15 years prison. Well, what about knock off handbags, clothing or other items? Assuming the buyer is not knowingly buying a fake handbag (so, forget the shoppers seeking out “deals” on Canal Street) and the person selling the handbag or other property is presenting it as the authentic product with the intent to defraud the buyer, can the seller be charged with Forgery for making the knockoff handbag or Criminal Possession of a Forged Instrument for possessing the same?

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According to the Westchester County District Attorney’s Office, Yves Archin, a home health aide working for a 79 year old woman who recently passed away, was arrested by Ardsley (Westchester County) detectives. It is alleged that Ms. Arching perpetrated Identity Theft and other crimes on an unwitting woman under her care who had suffered from a stroke. According to news sources, Ms. Archin not only used the now deceased woman’s credit cards, but opened up fraudulent accounts using her personal information. As a result, it is alleged that Ms. Archin charged approximately $59,000 at stores including Neiman Marcus, Bloomingdales and Target.

According to various news websites, the defendant is charged with Identity Theft in the First Degree (NY PL 190.80). Moreover, Ms. Archin is charged with Grand Larceny in the Second Degree (NY 155.40) for the aggregation of her alleged thefts that exceeded $50,000 and Scheme to Defraud in the First Degree (NY PL 190.65(1)(c). Grand Larceny in the Second Degree is a “C” felony punishable by up to 5 to 15 years in state prison. Identity Theft in the First Degree is a “D” felony punishable by up to 2 and 2/3 to 7 years in state prison while Scheme to Defraud is an “E” felony punishable by up to 1 and 1/3 to 4 years in state prison.

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Saland Law PC, a Manhattan based white collar criminal defense firm representing clients throughout the New York City region, is pleased to announce another tremendous result for a client in the arena of fraud and theft allegations. Our client, charged on two separate dockets, allegedly defrauded approximately $35,000 from one individual and approximately $35,000 from a second individual. Prosecutors charged our client with twenty-five felonies in the two criminal court complaints including Grand Larceny in the Third Degree (NY PL 155.35), Forgery in the Second Degree (NY PL 170.10), Criminal Possession of a Forged Instrument in the Second Degree (NY PL 170.25) and Identity Theft in the First Degree (NY PL 190.80). Prosecutors alleged that our client stole these monies through drafting checks without permission and using credit cards, including a corporate business card, without authority to do so. Despite the large value of the alleged theft, approximately $70,000 between two people, Saland Law PC attacked the veracity of one of the complainants as well the length of time between the incident and the reporting of the theft. Moreover, investigation revealed that this complainant may have been trying to “hide” money from his spouse. After further investigation and challenging the prosecution regarding their ability to prove the $35,000 theft beyond a reasonable doubt, prosecutors dismissed all of the charges. Although we were not as successful with the second felony case as we were with the first case, Saland Law PC negotiated a tremendous disposition on the second matter as well. In the second case, prosecutors agreed to a misdemeanor plea for Petit Larceny (the “shoplifting” statute) as well as Criminal Possession of Stolen Property. Although the complainant and prosecutors presented us with documentation for a significant portion of the $35,000 as well as a signed stipulation by our client that she in fact owed these monies, we successfully argued that despite the admission and documentation, the facts of the case would establish that the complainant was not being forthright. Even if true, the value of the alleged loss was exaggerated and our client signed the agreement under duress. Fortunately, through our investigation and diligence, we were able to corroborate our position thereby weakening the ability of the prosecution to prove the theft and the loss amount beyond a reasonable doubt. After all of our efforts working with our client for over a year to avoid a felony or jail, the court sentenced our client on the misdemeanor plea to three years of probation (no jail) and $20,000 in total restitution. As this client learned, each case is unique and requires its own analysis and defense. Whether it takes one month or one year, some felony fraud cases can be negotiated to a lesser offense while others ultimately may not. Furthermore, some cases may require a trial to prove one’s innocence where a real risk may be present of a conviction and accompanying jail. Whatever result you are seeking and whether or not it is actually attainable, it is imperative that your counsel be a knowledgeable and a zealous advocate who keeps you informed throughout the process as it unfolds.

It has happened to the best of us….even those who check their accounts daily. Maybe you just inadvertently went over your limit on your credit card or debit card. Well, in New York if you knowingly try to use that credit or debit card and it is “no good,” i.e., revoked or canceled, you may be charged with Unlawful Use of a Credit Card or Debit Card pursuant to New York Penal Law Section 165.17. While not as serious as the felony of possessing a stolen debit or credit card, this offense is still a crime.

According to the New York Penal Law 165.17 – Unlawful Use of a Credit or Debit Card:

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Saland Law PC, is pleased to announce that another client has benefited from our experience, knowledge and advocacy. Our client, a movie “middle man” who procured funding for multi-million dollar projects, met with prosecutors after being contacted about a disgruntled client. Prior to retaining Saland Law PC, and without any legal representation, our client met with law enforcement officials and made statements that could be construed as admissions relating to Grand Larceny and Forgery crimes. More specifically, prosecutors accused our client of stealing, through false pretenses, approximately $17,500. Moreover, prosecutors alleged that our client created and displayed fraudulent bank documents and contracts that were used to “fool” the movie companies that utilized his services.

After months of legal wrangling our client’s case is over. Through our diligence, our client avoided the embarrassment of being arrested at his home or place of business. On the same day we had our client voluntarily turn himself in, prosecutors arranged to have him see the judge and have his charges dropped down from felony Grand Larceny and Forgery to lesser misdemeanor offenses. At his arraignment, only a few hours after his voluntary surrender, our client pleaded to one count of Petit Larceny, a misdemeanor of pursuant to NY Penal Law section 155.25 (otherwise known as the “shoplifting statute”). Moreover, the judge sentenced him at that time to a conditional discharge. This plea not only saved our client from the humiliation of any felony, but our client avoided jail (he was facing up to seven years in state prison), probation and community service while finishing his case only hours after he voluntarily turned himself into detectives.

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Issuing a False Financial Statement, pursuant to New York Penal Law 175.45, is certainly not the most severe crime amongst its brethren in the arena of white collar crimes, but one that has serious ramifications beyond the criminal context. First of all, this crime is often associated with or is a part of a larger scheme. Therefore, you may not merely find yourself being investigated for or charged with Issuing a False Financial Statement, pursuant to New York Penal Law 175.45. Other crimes may be lingering right around the corner. However, before addressing those other crimes, let me present the statute of Issuing a False Financial Statement so you have a general understanding of the law.

Issuing a False Financial Statement New York Penal Law 175.45:

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A Manhattan building manager has managed to get himself into hot water with the Manhattan District Attorneys Office. According to Robert Morgenthau’s prosecutors, Mark Modano, of Mark Modano LLC, was arrest and indicted in connection to an alleged five year fraud beginning in 2003 and ending in 2008. It is alleged that during this period Mr. Modano siphoned $1.3 million from clients for his own personal use.

Charged with three counts of Grand Larceny in the Second Degree (NY PL 155.40), a class C felony, three counts of Grand Larceny in the Third Degree (NY PL 155.35), a class D felony and one count of Scheme to Defraud in the First Degree (NY PL 190.65), a class E felony, Mr. Modano faces up to 15, 7 and 4 years respectively if convicted.

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