A Brooklyn Supreme Court Judge sentenced Nixzaliz Santiago, the mother of 7-year-old Nixzmary Brown, to 43 years state prison today after she was convicted on October 17, 2008 for Manslaughter. Her husband, and the girl’s stepfather, had previously been convicted for the same offense and received 29 years. In fact, it is Mr. Santiago that dealt the fatal blow after Nixzmary took yogurt from the fridge without permission. It is no surprise to this NY criminal defense attorney and former Manhattan prosecutor that Ms. Santiago received a harsher sentence than her husband.
According reports, Judge DiMango stated to Ms. Santiago at her sentence that she “may not have delivered the fatal blow, but . . . it was in your power to prevent the effects of it…[w]ere it not for your failure to act, Nixzmary Brown would have probably not died from that blow that day.”