Your criminal defense attorney or lawyer has heard the charges before…Petit Larceny (NY PL 155.25)…Criminal Possession of Stolen Property (NY PL 165.40)…Grand Larceny (NY PL 155.30)…Yes, even Burglary (NY PL 140.20). Unfortunately, you where caught shoplifting a sweater from Bloomingdales in Manhattan or pair of shoes from Macys in Brooklyn. Security stops you on the way out and confiscates the property from you. You tell them you will never do it again if they let you go (oops…you may have just unwittingly made an admission!!!). The next thing you know you are given a notice telling you your right to be in that particular store is revoked and that there is a civil fine you must pay. If that wasn’t enough, the police arrive and escort you, in handcuffs, to the resort and spa known as “central booking.” If you are fortunate, the police issue you a Desk Appearance Ticket (D.A.T. / DAT).
“Simple” shoplifting has enormous and life altering consequences. Aside from the embarrassment, shame and potential loss of of your job if your employer finds out, the charges you may face are numerous. Even if you plea to a lesser Disorderly Conduct (a violation and not a crime), a background check down the road may reveal your shoplifting arrest.