Since New York CPL 160.59 went into effect in 2017, many hard working and honest people have asked, “Can I seal my old criminal conviction or get it expunged?” Once they realize that they can, their asks routinely morph into, “How do I seal my criminal record?” While the process…
New York Criminal Lawyer Blog
What is Enterprise Corruption: Understanding New York Penal Law 460.20 and the “Criminal Enterprise” Element
Even though RICO crimes are not prosecuted by the New York State Attorney General or by one of the many District Attorneys such as those in the boroughs of New York City, organized crimes does not get a pass in the State of New York. While large-scale schemes, whether they…
Student Misconduct Lawyers: NYC Student Avoids Adverse Finding in Title IX Misconduct Investigation and NYPD Closes Criminal Case without an Arrest
When, as a college student, you are accused of violating a Title IX policy or the Code of Conduct of your respective university, both your academic career and otherwise clean criminal record are often put in harm’s way. Whether or not you are arrested by the NYPD or local police…
Am I a Victim of Coercion or Blackmail: What is the Difference Between the Crimes of Extortion and Coercion in New York State
The terms are somewhat interchangeable and, for that matter, if you are a crime victim it is relatively inconsequential how the New York Penal Law defines a particular offense. After all, your goal is clear. How do I prevent my tormentor from harassing and threatening me whether its online or…
New York City DWI and Aggravated Unlicensed Operation of a Vehicle Dismissed on Merits: Client’s Spousal Wrath Curtailed
The New York vehicular crime lawyers and DUI attorneys at Saland Law PC are pleased to share the recent dismissal of all criminal charges against a client accused of DWI and Aggravated Unlicensed Operation of a Motor Vehicle in the Third Degree. Within the four corners of the criminal court…
Can I get a Restraining Order and How do I Apply for an Order of Protection: Protecting Yourself in NYC and NYS with a Stay Away Order
How do I get an Order of Protection in New York? Do I have to go to the police, such as the NYPD, to apply for a Restraining Order? What are the steps and whatever they may be, am I eligible for a Stay Away Order? All reasonable questions, the…
I am a Victim of Revenge Porn and My Intimate Image is on Instagram, Facebook and Other Social Media: Removal, Takedown and Fighting Back
If you are a victim of Revenge Porn, Unlawful Disclosure of an Intimate Image (NYC Admin. Code 10-180), Unlawful Dissemination or Publication of an Intimate Image (Penal Law 245.15), Cyber Stalking, Online Harassment, Sextortion, or other victimization, not only is your ex-boyfriend, former girlfriend or whomever is posting your intimate…
LeSean McCoy Allegedly Beat Ex-Girlfriend, Son and Henry the Dog: Potential Crimes if Accusations by Friend of Ex-Girlfriend Valid and Occurred in New York State
A friend of LeSean McCoy’s ex-girlfriend, Delicia Cordon, accused the Buffalo Bills’ running back of a horrifically violent attack that allegedly left Cordon hospitalized and bloodied. Beyond the claimed domestic violence she suffered at his hands, further assertions, by way of Instagram, lobbed at the athlete included the beating of…
NYC Stalking Arrest Ends in Acquittal After Trial: Client Exonerated and Cleared of New York Penal Law 120.45
In the age of #Metoo, an important movement long time coming, there can be unforeseen consequences when vigorously supporting gender-based misconduct without stepping back to thoroughly examine an accusation. Simply, allegations that lack sufficient corroboration or answers to reasoned questions should hold no more water than those in other contexts.…
I am a Victim of Extortion, Blackmail, Revenge Porn and Harassment: Important Steps to Protect Yourself
How do I stop an ex from humiliating me with Revenge Porn or “”Sextortion” by sending intimate images to my co-workers and family in violation of Penal Law 245.15 or NYC Administrative Code 10-180 (177*3)? What steps can I take to stop a person from Blackmailing me? I am being…