
New York Criminal Lawyer Blog


Criminal Sale and Possesion of a Controlled Substance and Conspiracy: “Stack Money Family” Facing Serious Drug and Narcotics Charges

Working as a NY criminal defense attorney and as a prosecutor has allowed me to examine and analyze cases from all sides including drug crimes relating to drug sales and possession. As a prosecutor in the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office I was cross designated multiple times with the Office of…


NY Criminal Defense: Defending a Lawyer Indicted for Grand Larceny, Money Laundering and Scheme to Defraud

As NY criminal defense attorneys and former Manhattan prosecutors, the lawyers at Saland Law PC, have handled cases involving Money Laundering, Grand Larceny, Scheme to Defraud and Offering a False Instrument for Filing. However, there is always a little “twist” when the accused is a member of your own profession.…


NY Criminal Defense Attorney Obtains Dismissal of Endangering the Welfare of Child

I have mentioned in previous entries how significant and serious a charge Endangering the Welfare of a Child is to any defendant and his or her criminal defense attorney. While “only” a misdemeanor, it is understandable that there is a zero tolerance policy when it comes to protecting children. In…


Stage Manager Steals “Lipstick Jungle” Props: Facing Criminal Charges of Grand Larceny

Arthur Moreira had better get a NY criminal defense attorney as soon as possible. If reports are correct, he is facing felony charges relating to Grand Larceny and Criminal Possession of Stolen Property. According to press reports, the stage manager for “Lipstick Jungle” had sticky fingers and made off with…


Fraud & Deceipt: Investigate Your Criminal Defense Attorney Before You Retain Him or Her

Through our years of as prosecutors and criminal defense attorneys, we at Saland Law PC have seen the charges before…Scheme to Defraud…Grand Larceny…but usually not in the context I am about to share with you. Unfortunately, I don’t think this will be a shock to anyone, but attorneys…that’s right, criminal…


Bribery Plea: Former Bellevue Director Avoids Jail on Felony Plea

Charged with Bribe Receiving in the Second Degree and Third Degrees (class “C” and “D” felonies punishable by up to 15 and 7 years in state prison respectively), Carlos Perez, the ex-director at Bellevue, recently pleaded guilty to the lesser Bribe Receiving offense. Today, present with his criminal defense attorney…


NY Criminal Defense: Judge Dismisses Reckless Endangerment, Attempted Tampering With Physical Evidence & Obstruction of Governmental Administration

A Manhattan (NY County) Criminal Court Judge recently agreed with a NY criminal defense attorney and dismissed an entire criminal complaint against the defendant. The judge dismissed the charges of Reckless Endangerment, Attempted Tampering with Physical Evidence and Obstruction of Governmental Administration after the judge found the complaint facially insufficient.…


An Online Virginity Auction or Plain Old Prostitution: A NY Criminal Defense Attorney’s Analysis of Natalie Dylan’s Offer

As NY criminal defense attorneys and former Manhattan prosecutors, my partner and I at Saland Law PC have seen a whole lot of “interesting things.” Usually, with a little research and effort, we can find the answer to the vast majority of issues and questions we are confronted with. However,…


Heller and NY: A Valid Defense for Criminal Possession of a Weapon (Firearm, Gun or Pistol)?

Despite a criminal defense attorney’s best efforts, a Brooklyn State Supreme Court Justice ruled in a decision published yesterday that the United States Supreme Court’s decision in the District of Columbia v. Heller does not prevent New York State from regulating guns, pistols and firearms within its boundaries. Defendant, Albi…

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