
New York Criminal Lawyer Blog


Criminal Defense Victory and Dismissal: Every Case – “Big” or “Small” – Requires Undivided Attention

The New York criminal defense attorneys at Saland Law PC take each and every criminal case seriously whether the case involves a misdemeanor charge of Harassment or a felony charge of Grand Larceny. Our results speak for themselves. We recognize that regardless of how “small” the case may appear to…


Criminal Defense of a Theft: NY Court Dismisses Grand Larceny and Scheme to Defraud in Connection to Lien Law

Whether you are alleged to have committed a Grand Larceny theft in excess of $50,000 or a Petit Larceny shoplifting, your NY White Collar criminal defense attorney knows that if the prosecution does not establish each element of the crime, the case should be dismissed. Recently, a New York State…


Marijuana & Criminally Using Drug Paraphernalia: Marihuana May Not be Applicable to Paraphernalia Crimes in New York

NY criminal defense attorneys and their clients should take notice. Recently, New York County (Manhattan) Criminal Court Judge Elisa S. Koenderman rendered a decision in People v. Carlos Rivera, 2008NY031540, finding that it is not sufficient to support a charge of Criminally Using Drug Paraphernalia in the Second Degree (New…


Grand Larceny and Criminal Possession of Stolen Property: When a Theft Requires a Mandatory Prison Sentence

I have blogged extensively on the criminal law and specifically as it relates to New York criminal defense and the charges of Grand Larceny and Criminal Possession of Stolen Property. In fact, as criminal defense attorney at Saland Law PC and a former Manhattan prosecutor, I have successfully handled these…


NY Burglary Basics: Your Best Criminal Defense is Knowing the Law

Having been prosecutors in the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office for a combined fourteen years, the NY criminal defense attorneys at Saland Law PC have experienced a vast number of the offenses from Disorderly Conduct, Forgery and Grand Larceny to Burglary, Kidnapping and Assault. While our experience and knowledge is a…


Major Theft Ring Busted: 12 People Charged with Enterprise Corruption, Forgery, Grand Larceny, Conspiracy and Criminal Possession of Stolen Property

A bunch of people are in need of New York criminal defense attorneys…immediately. The New York Attorney General’s Office announced the arrest of twelve people allegedly involved in a Bronx based construction equipment and luxury car theft ring. The defendants are charged with Enterprise Corruption, Forgery, Grand Larceny, Conspiracy and…


A Different Twist in Drug Sales: Criminal Sale of a Prescription for a Controlled Substance

Just about every day in the NYC newspapers we read about someone being arrested for selling drugs such as cocaine, crack, heroin or marijuana. While the sale of drugs in NY can be a serious felony (marijuana sale is usually a misdemeanor in most situations) requiring mandatory prison, NY criminal…


NYC Attorney Indicted: Charged with Grand Larceny for Scheme Involving New York County Lawyers Association

The criminal defense attorneys at Saland Law PC understand the importance of not only zealously advocating for our clients regardless of the crimes they are accused of committing, but also know how critical it is to conduct our practice in an ethical and honest manner. This cannot be understated. Unfortunately,…


NY Criminal Defense and DNA – Brooklyn Man Arrested for Arson, Attempted Robbery and Attempted Assault

Any NY criminal defense attorney can explain very simply the power of DNA in tying suspects to crimes. Unfortunately for a recently arrested Brooklyn man, it does not appear that anyone ever explained this to him. According to the Brooklyn (Kings County) District Attorney’s Office, the Grand Jury indicted Erick…

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