
New York Criminal Lawyer Blog


JDate Swindler a Real Catch: Beau Arrested & Investigated for 400K in Thefts from Girlfriends

According to a report, Martin Berres, a 62 year old New Yorker, has allegedly ripped off his internet lovers for multiple hundreds of thousands of dollars. Arrested yesterday, Mr. Berres is scheduled to return to court November 27th where he faces one count of Grand Larceny in the Second Degree,…


New Driving While Intoxicated (DWI / DUI) Blood / Breath Alcohol Content (BAC) Calculator: Understand the Factors Impacting Your BAC Before You Need a Criminal Lawyer

While you shouldn’t need a NY criminal defense attorney to tell you it is a bad idea to get behind the wheel of a vehicle in New York State (or any state for that matter) after having consumed alcohol, Saland Law PC has provided our readers with a tool that…


Florida to New York Firearm Trafficking Ring Disarmed: Brooklyn DA Announces Arrest and 105 Count Indictment

The Brooklyn District Attorney’s Office has announced that along with the 105 count indictment against Watson Joachin and Ryan Woodard for Criminal Possession of a Weapon and Criminal Sale of a Firearm, the NYPD has taken 56 guns off the streets of New York. According to to the Brooklyn District…


The “Bump Up”: Criminal Possession of a Weapon in the Third Degree (New York Penal Law 265.02(1))and Your Criminal Defense

Whether you are charged in NY with Criminal Possession of a Weapon in the Fourth Degree, pursuant to New York Penal Law 265.01, for possessing a revolver, firearm, pistol, switchblade, gravity knife or even metal knuckles, under certain circumstance prosecutors can “bump up” or raise the level of your crime…


Bagel Man Hides the Dough: H & H Bagels Owner Arrested for General Tax and Unemployment Insurance Tax Fraud

Whatever the recipe, the dough was a little too sticky. According to the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office and Robert Morgenthau, a Grand Jury has indicted bagel wholesaler Helmer Toro for Gand Larceny, Offering a False Instrument for Filing and violating the labor law through unemployment insurance tax rate manipulation. Prosecutors…


New York to Have Toughest DWI / DUI Law on the Books? Leandra’s Law Target’s Driving While Intoxicated With Passengers Under 15

According to reports, “Leandra’s Law” is coming closer to reality. The New York State Assembly agreed on their version of the bill that will raise Driving While Intoxicated / DWI (1192.2 and 1192.3) to a felony offense in the event that a child under the age of 15 is a…


Predicate Felons and Second Felony Offenders in NY: How Does a Non-NY Felony Alter Your Status?

Any NY criminal defense attorney experienced in New York criminal law should be able to explain to you that if you are a predicate felon in New York State and charged with a non-controlled substance offense, a second felony conviction will land you in state prison even if your offense…


No Oliver Twists in Pickpocket Crew: Manhattan DA Announces 639 Count Grand Larceny and Identity Theft Indictment

He may have loved the book, theatrical performance or even the movie, but Manhattan District Attorney Robert Morgenthau is not a fan of real life Oliver Twists. According to reports, the New York County District Attorney’s Office unsealed a 639 count indictment involving the arrests of 15 alleged pickpocket crew…


Manhattan DA Demolishes $1 Million Construction Scheme: Contracting Company Caught Allegedly Defrauding Employees Pay

The Manhattan District Attorney announced the arrest and indictment earlier today of Michael Batalias, Elisavet Batalias, Vassiliki Stergiou and EMB Contracting Corporation for defrauding employees in the neighborhood of $1 million dollars. The defendants are charged with Grand Larceny in the First Degree and Scheme to Defraud in the First…

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