
New York Criminal Lawyer Blog


NYU Administrator Arrested & Indicted for Grand Larceny and Allegedly “Scavenging” Discarded Receipts to Obtain $400,000 in Fraudulent Reimbursements

The Manhattan District Attorney’s Office has announced the arrest and indictment of John Runowicz, a University administrator for an alleged ongoing theft in the neighborhood of $400,000. According to the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office, Mr. Runowicz was indicted by a Grand Jury for the crimes of Grand Larceny in the…


When a Simple Petit Larceny or Petty Theft Becomes a Felony Grand Larceny in New York: Grand Larceny in the Fourth Degree – NY Penal Law 155.30(5)

In New York, a misdemeanor theft or larceny can easily be enhanced to a felony in certain circumstances. In fact, pursuant to New York Penal Law Section 155.30(5), Grand Larceny in the Fourth Degree, it is a felony punishable by up to four years in state prison if you perpetrate…


Top Results: White Collar Criminal Defense Firm Gets Client “Slap on the Wrist” After Alleged Forgery and Grand Larceny of Approximately $17,500

Saland Law PC, is pleased to announce that another client has benefited from our experience, knowledge and advocacy. Our client, a movie “middle man” who procured funding for multi-million dollar projects, met with prosecutors after being contacted about a disgruntled client. Prior to retaining Saland Law PC, and without any…


New York Orders of Protection (Restraining Orders) & Search Warrants: Standing to Challenge Search of Your Home May be Diminished

There is little doubt that if your home is the target of a search warrant in New York, you, as the homeowner or tenant who resides there, would have the standing or ability to challenge a search warrant executed at that premises. However, one factor that may change the dynamic…


Unlawful Imprisonment in the First (NY Penal Law 135.10) & Second (NY Penal Law 135.05)Degrees: A New York Criminal Defense Overview

It often takes the trained criminal eye of a New York criminal defense attorney or lawyer to locate and assess the nuances between similar statutes. Deciphering the language between similar statutes could mean the difference between facing a misdemeanor or a violent felony. One example of this found in statutes…


No Drink and Straight to the Clink: Two Arrested After Alleged Bribery of New York State Liquor Authority Official

A drink sounds a lot better than the “clink,” right about now for two people charged with Bribery in the Third Degree, a class D felony, and Attempted Grand Larceny in the Third Degree, a class E felony. It is alleged that Annie Guerrero and Maria Elena Nunez got caught…


NY Drug / Narcotic / Controlled Substance / Marijuana / Marihuana Possession Presumptions: New York Penal Law Sections 220.25(1) & 220.25(2)

Although the Rockefeller Drug Laws have certainly eased over the years, New York Criminal defense attorneys and their clients must have a working knowledge as to the law involving legal presumptions and Criminal Possession of a Controlled Substance. While often times the police allegedly observe a sale or the actual…


Issuing a False Financial Statement (NY Penal Law 175.45): A New York Criminal Defense Overview

Issuing a False Financial Statement, pursuant to New York Penal Law 175.45, is certainly not the most severe crime amongst its brethren in the arena of white collar crimes, but one that has serious ramifications beyond the criminal context. First of all, this crime is often associated with or is…


A Reverse Subsidized Rent: Manhattan Building Manager Indicted for $1.3 Million Theft

A Manhattan building manager has managed to get himself into hot water with the Manhattan District Attorneys Office. According to Robert Morgenthau’s prosecutors, Mark Modano, of Mark Modano LLC, was arrest and indicted in connection to an alleged five year fraud beginning in 2003 and ending in 2008. It is…


New York’s “Wholly Inconsistent” Shoplifting Standard: NY Case Law & Applicability to Your Criminal Defense

Whether you were arrested or issued a New York Desk Appearance Ticket (DAT) for Shoplifting pursuant to New York Penal Law sections 155.25 (Petit Larceny) or 165.40 (Criminal Possession of Stolen Property), the legal standard is the same. Regardless of the crime, police officers in New York City and throughout…

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