
New York Criminal Lawyer Blog


Is a New York Police Officer’s Unsupported Statement that You Possessed a Weapon in Violation of NY PL 265.01 Sufficient Without Some Basis for That Conclusion

As a New York criminal defense attorney and a former Manhattan prosecutor, I cannot count the number of cases that I have handled involving the crime of Criminal Possession of a Weapon in the Fourth Degree pursuant to New York Penal Law 265.01. Whether an individual is issued a New…


DA: Manager of Tarrytown’s Castle on the Hudson Arrested for Grand Larceny Embezzlement in Excess of $400,000

Westchester County District Attorney Janet Difiore has announced the arrest of Mourad Boulas, a manager at Castle on the Hudson in Tarrytown, for Grand Larceny in the Second Degree (New York Penal Law 155.40). According to the Westchester County District Attorney press release, Mr. Boulas embezzled in excess of $400,000…


New York Criminal Defense Firm Gets Top Result: Client Charged with DWI and Driving Without a License Acquitted After Trial

The New York criminal defense attorneys at Saland Law PC are pleased to announced that our client was acquitted of all charges in Brooklyn Criminal Court after he had been initially charged with and accused of DWI / DUI pursuant to VTL 1192.3, DWAI, pursuant to VTL 1192.1 and Driving…


Marijuana / Marihuana Possession in New York: From Unlawful to Criminal Possession & Your Criminal Defense

While there are bright and articulate people on all sides of the argument to legalize marijuana in New York State, as it stands now the law is clear. Possession of marijuana (“marihuana” in the New York Penal Law) is illegal. In New York City (Manhattan, Brooklyn, Bronx and Queens) as…


Manhattan DA: Two Alleged Identity Thieves Indicted for Stealing Approximately $100K Each from Victims’ Accounts

Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance landed himself a solid indictment yesterday. If the number of charges are actually any indication of how solid an indictment is, the 106 counts against Nefertit Garnett and 80 counts against Zoe Walmsely are very telling. Charged with Grand Larceny in the Second Degree, Identity…


Reckless Endangerment in New York – NY Penal Law 120.20: When Does Acting Recklessly Constitute a Crime in NY?

Reckless Endangerment in the Second Degree (New York Penal Law 120.20) is a misdemeanor crime routinely handled by both prosecutors and criminal defense lawyers in New York City and the region. Although seemingly straight forward, the law not only has terms that have their own meaning, but cases that have…


New York Penal Law 145.65: What is an “Instrument” for the Purposes of Possession of Graffiti Instruments

Although not often litigated by New York criminal defense lawyers where a client is charged with Possession of Graffiti Instruments, pursuant to New York Penal Law section 145.65, it is important to understand or identify what constitutes a “graffiti instrument.” Certainly, some tools are obvious. Cans of spray paint, markers,…


Criminal Possession of a Controlled Substance in the Fifth Degree (NY PL 220.06(5)): Must the Cocaine be 500 Pure Milligrams or 500 Aggregate Milligrams

A common felony offense charged by police and defended by New York criminal defense lawyers in the arena of controlled substance, narcotic and drug crimes, is Criminal Possession of a Controlled Substance in the 5th Degree pursuant to New York Penal Law section 220.06(5). A serious crime involving the possession…


Fake & Fraudulent Drug Prescriptions in New York: The Crimes of Forgery and Criminal Possession of a Forged instrument

Maybe you stole a couple of sheets from a physician’s prescription pad and made out a completely fake prescription for drugs and medicine such as Vicodin, Oxycodone or OxyContin. Maybe you altered your doctor’s legitimate prescription by increasing the dosage or amount of Xanax, Adderall or Ritalin. Regardless of how…

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