
New York Criminal Lawyer Blog


New York Criminal Lawyer Identity Theft Crime & Punishment Information Page: New York Penal Law Sections 190.78, 190.79 & 190.80

Identity Theft, one of the most significant and frequently prosecuted crimes in New York City as well as the State of New York, is a growing concern for prosecutors and law enforcement. Although there are many New York criminal lawyers who have a general knowledge of the crimes and punishment…


Mahmoud Abdel-Salam Omar & Dominique Strauss Kahn: Two Financial Titans & Two Distinct Sex Crimes

If true, Mahmoud Abdel-Salam Omar and Dominique Strauss-Kahn, both arrested in Manhattan after allegedly making sexual advances (and then some) on two members of hotel staff at NYC’s Pierre and Sofitel respectively, are both in serious criminal trouble. While the two men have much in common, both are top financial…


New York Penal Law Sections 221.40 & 221:35: Misdemeanor Marijuana (Marihuana) Sales

Unlike selling drugs or a controlled substance such as cocaine or heroin (New York Penal Law 220.39), selling marijuana (marihuana) in New York carries a significantly less punishment. Pursuant to New York Penal Law section 221.40, Criminal Sale of Marijuana (Marihuana) in the Fourth Degree, a person is guilty of…


Jury Convicts New York “Rape Cops” Morenao & Mata of Only Misdemeanor Official Misconduct: New York Penal Law 195.00 & Potential Punishment

What can only be described as a horrendous result from the eyes of the prosecution and a tremendous result from the eyes of Police Officers Kenneth Moreno and Franklin Mata, a Manhattan jury acquitted the accused NYPD officers of rape and every other felony. What was once a bleak outlook…


AG: $10 Million International Car Theft Ring Taken Down in New York

Known more for civil enforcement as opposed to handling significant criminal prosecutions like their local District Attorney counterparts, the New York State Attorney General’s Office announced the arrest of 19 people in an international car theft ring. Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, trying to step from the shadow of his incredibly…


Gambling Ring Mistakes Staten Island for Vegas: 28 Arrested or Indicted & Over $5.5 Million Recovered in Raids

I know Staten Island…and it ain’t no Vegas…Whether its cards, ponies, or the pigskin classic, Staten Island (Richmond County, New York) District Attorney Dan Donovan doesn’t want any of it in his county. Unfortunately for 28 people allegedly involved in a gambling ring, this lesson was learned the hard way.…


Forgery in the Second Degree & Criminal Possession of a Forgery Device: NY Court Limits Scope of Crime

Forgery in the Second Degree, New York Penal Law 170.10, contains specific statutory language. In substance, some of the critical elements are that the accused must have the “intent to defraud” and “falsely make[], create[] or alter[] a written instrument.” Moreover, in doing so, a defendant must also have “create[d],…


Dutchess County DA: Vassar College Scammers Indicted for Combined $2.5 Million Grand Larceny in Poughkeepsie

According to news reports, the Dutchess County District Attorney’s Office has announced the indictment of Arthur Fisher, Jennifer Fisher and Christopher DeSanto, all of Ossining. A Grand Jury indicted the trio for Grand Larceny after they were alleged to have stolen in excess of $2,000,000 from Vassar College in Poughkeepsie.…


Legal Analysis of Shoplifting Arrests in New York City: Further Information on Getting Arrested without Exiting a Store

One of the first things you may have said to your criminal lawyer after getting a Desk Appearance Ticket for shoplifting in New York City is something along the line of “I didn’t even walk out of the store and the police arrested me for shoplifting! How can that be?!”…

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