As a prosecutor in the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office for over seven years, I supervised and led investigations, arrests, indictments into complex identity theft and fraud related crimes and schemes. One of those investigations and indictments resulted in the conviction of numerous individuals who posed as professional graduate school entrance…
New York Criminal Lawyer Blog
Report: Manhattan DA to Dismiss Charges Against Dominque Strauss-Kahn
Dominque Strauss-Kahn, the French national and former head of the IMF, may be celebrating his own Independence Day accompanied with a display of fireworks that would revival any July 4th celebration. According to the New York Post, DSK could “walk” as early as his next court date after Manhattan prosecutors…
Drunk Driving Crimes in New York: VTL 1192(4) Driving While Impaired by Drugs
While not as commonly seen by DWI lawyers in the New York City area, Vehicle and Traffic Law 1192(4), Driving While Ability Impaired Drugs, is no less serious than an arrest for any other DWI or DUI crime. Having said that, those attorneys not experienced in New York’s drunk driving…
An Undeserved Rap: Raymond Velasquez Charged with Reckless Endangerment & Other Crimes in NYC Court
Make no mistake. 34 year old wannabe rapper, Raymond Velasquez, is a little past his “aspiring” years, but deserves some credit for his energy and ambition. While his arrest for disrupting NYC traffic and intentionally disregarding the police may not be worth the attention he has brought upon himself, prosecutors…
Voiding an Arrest in a New York Shoplifting, Weapon or Drug Case: NY CPL 170.55 & the ACD “Nullity”
Often times, prosecutors in the New York City area (Manhattan, Brooklyn, Bronx, Queens and Westchester Counties) offer first time shoplifters as well as those accused of other thefts, weapon crimes and personal drug possession, a violation of Disorderly Conduct (New York Penal Law 240.20). Depending on the facts and circumstances,…
Is Merely Entering and Exiting a Building Five Minutes Later Enough to Establish Probable Cause for a Trespass Arrest in New York
When all the criminal laws in New York are reviewed, Trespassing in the Third Degree, pursuant to New York Penal Law section 140.10, certainly is not one of the more complex laws. Having said that, it does not mean that complex legal issues will not arise for both New York…
Can Prosecutors in New York Use the BAC Breath Test Taken at the Scene of a DWI Arrest Against You at Trial
In New York City it is routine that an arrest for DWI, DUI or driving while intoxicated is accompanied by an on the scene intoxilyzer or BAC breath test. In other words, before you ever meet with your criminal lawyer or are handcuffed in the back of a police car,…
Courthouse Jargon: Understanding “Lawyer Talk” in the New York City Courts
No criminal lawyer can say they have heard it all before (there is always a new and interesting wrinkle popping up in a case somewhere), but one thing is fairly consistent within the walls of the New York City courts. The judges, prosecutors and criminal defense attorneys from Manhattan to…
New York Gambling Crimes: Accused Gets ACD After Charged with Felony Promoting Gambling in the First Degree
District Attorneys and prosecutors through New York City – Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Bronx and Staten Island – routinely utilize their “long arms” to attack criminal schemes and grab targets of crime well beyond the borders of Gotham. Often times, New York criminal lawyers represent those accused of frauds and criminal…
Legal Impossibility: Can a Conviction Stand for Possessing Stolen Property if the Property is Part of a Police Sting
In New York State, if you knowingly possess property and that property is held by you for your benefit or to impede its recovery by the rightful owner, then the crime of Criminal Possession of Stolen Property has been perpetrated. This is true whether the possession of the property is…