
New York Criminal Lawyer Blog


True Threats and No Legitimate Purpose: Establishing the Elements of an Aggravated Harassment Crime, NY PL 240.30

Second Degree Aggravated Harassment, New York Penal Law 240.30, is one of the most widely charge crimes that often teeters between a violent and non violent offense. Not only are the alleged threats made in an NY PL 240.30 investigation relevant down to the exact words used and the context…


Marijuana Crimes: Can the Police Merely Allege a Public Location or Public View without Giving More Detail as to the Location of an Incident

Not necessarily relevant to every criminal offense found in the New York Penal Law, many arrests and crimes stem from what the police see in public or plain view. Whether officers with the NYPD or other local police agency stop your car and see a knife inside the vehicle from…


If the Police Refuse to Accommodate Your Request to Call Your Attorney in a New York DWI Arrest Can the Results of a BAC Test be Thrown Out

Whenever a person learns that I am a New York criminal lawyer and New York DWI attorney, one of the first questions they ask is whether or not they should “blow” if they are ever stopped or arrested for the crime of drunk driving in New York. Drunk driving, a…


New York DWI Arrests and Convictions: NY VTL 1192 Prosecutions When You are Not in the Car or Vehicle

It seems as if issues involving DWI, DUI and DWAI arrests routinely “pop up” all over the country and here in both New York State and New York City. The obvious reason as to why this happens is because DWI is an extremely serious, avoidable and potentially catastrophic offense. Whether…


NY Criminal Contempt: Can You Violate an Order of Protection Even if You Do Not Enter the Protected Premises Specified in the Restraining Order

New York Penal Law 215.50, Second Degree Criminal Contempt, is a crime that prosecutors are quick to charge and often for good cause. However, regardless of the subjective view of an Assistant District Attorney or a police officer with the NYPD or any police department outside New York City, cases…


What Types of Statements on Their Face Are Sufficient Threats for the Purpose of Second Degree Aggravated Harassment, PL 240.30(1)(b)

Whether its in the context of a Domestic Violence case with a former partner or lover or a co-worker in Manhattan, Queens or Brooklyn, those nasty, threatening or plain ugly and uninvited texts, emails or phone calls may be more than a mere annoyance. In fact, depending on the conduct,…


Can Prosecutors Avoid the Permission to Make Graffiti Element in a Possession of a Graffiti Instrument Arrest Pursuant to NY PL 145.65

Whether its an unapproved mural or a small tag, in order for a judge or jury to convict you of Possession of a Graffiti Instrument, New York Penal Law 145.65, an Assistant District Attorney must prove beyond a reasonable doubt: (1) your intent to damage property (2) your possession of…


Possession in an Apartment Where Drugs are Found: Can Presence Alone Support an Arrest and Prosecution for NY PL 220.03 or NY PL 2201.16

If there are drugs found in your Manhattan apartment and you are inside that apartment, you are guilty of possessing those drugs, correct? If the police execute a search warrant and you reside in the in the Brooklyn home where drugs, such as cocaine, heroin or marijuana are found, you are guilty…

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