
New York Criminal Lawyer Blog


I am a Victim of Revenge Porn in New York: Criminal Prosecutions and Civil Damages Pursuant to NYC Admin. Code 10-180

Thanks to the passage of New York City Administrative Code 10-180, Unlawful Disclosure of an Intimate Image, victims of Revenge Porn and the unauthorized sharing of compromising images in New York City – Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Bronx and Staten Island – now can protect themselves in a court of law.…


Client Wrongfully Arrested for Fourth Degree Criminal Mischief Acquitted After Criminal Court Trial

The overwhelming number of criminal cases in New York never reach the point of trial. Whether the arrest is in New York City or the Hudson Valley, as cases wind their respective way through the criminal justice system, the District Attorney, judges and criminal defense lawyers address issues ranging from…


Avoiding Dismissal and Denial: Properly Drafting and Filing NY Family Court Order of Protection Petitions

The questions is a common one. “How do I get an Order of Protection in New York?” “Who can get a Restraining Order in NYC?” “Do you need a lawyer to get an Order of Protection?” Before answering these questions, know the following. Family Offense Petitions in New York Family…


Restraining Orders, Stay Away Orders and Orders of Protection in New York City and the Hudson Valley: Frequently Asked Questions Part II

Whether you have asked it of a New York Family Court attorney, criminal defense lawyer or merely thought it to yourself, if you are a victim of abuse you have likely pondered how you can get an Order of Protection. What steps must you take to keep your abuser away…


Weinstein Won’t Exercise Right to Testify Before Manhattan Grand Jury: Is Lack of Access to Information or Other Grounds Real Reason for Refusal to Testify

UPDATE: WEINSTEIN INDICTED BY MANHATTAN GRAND JURY According to a statement released by Harvey Weinstein’s counsel and widely reported throughout the media, the former producer, and arguably the most visible catalyst of the #Metoo movement, will not testify before a Manhattan Grand Jury where he will likely be charged with…


New York Orders of Protection and Restraining Order: Frequently Asked Questions Part I

New York Orders of Protection, also called Restraining Orders and Stay Away Orders, are critical tools to protect the beneficiary of such an order from alleged or convicted harassers, domestic abusers, stalkers and other victimizers. Irrespective of who an Order of Protection shields, there are many questions that those unfamiliar…


Harvey Weinstein Arrest and Surrender to Manhattan DA: Possible Crimes of Sex Abuse, Criminal Sexual Act and Forcible Touching

According to multiple reports, initially broken by courtroom sleuth and NY Daily News reporter, Shayna Jacobs,  Harvey Weinstein is set to turn himself in on Friday to the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office for arrest and prosecution. Although it is not clear at the time of this writing whether the infamous…


Brief Analysis of Murphy v. NCAA and PASPA: Is Gambling in New York Now Legal and are Gambling Crimes Invalidated

With a collective sigh from all sides of the gambling isle, both in relief and pain, what to date has often been associated with Las Vegas and spawned Classics from “Goodfellas”  to “Casino,” may now be offered to the masses across the United States and in the light of day.…


Prosecuting the Prosecutor: Possible Criminal Charges Against Former NYS Attorney General Eric Schneiderman

By no means are multiple allegations proof of criminal conduct nor any wrongdoing whatsoever, but the claims against Eric Schneiderman, who only about an hour prior to drafting this blog served as the New York State Attorney General and chief law enforcement officer of the Empire State, are quite serious.…

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