
Articles Posted in White Collar Crimes


Extortion in New York State: An Affirmative Defense to NY Penal Law 155.05(2)(e) and 155.40(2)

In an earlier entry relating to Extortion, a subset of Grand Larceny, I identified and differentiated the difference between the Grand Larceny Extortion statutes found in New York Penal Law sections 155.05(2)(e) and 155.40(2). This entry will deal with the criminal defense to the crime of Extortion in NY that…


Stealing Money You Never Had: Determining the Degree of Grand Larceny in a Fraudulent Bank Deposit & Theft Scheme

On its face, the Grand Larceny statutes in New York are relatively straightforward. That is, a simple review of various sections of the New York Penal Law may not require the assistance of a New York theft attorney or grand larceny lawyer. Although the statutes may seem clear, what becomes…


Forgery in the Second Degree & Criminal Possession of a Forgery Device: NY Court Limits Scope of Crime

Forgery in the Second Degree, New York Penal Law 170.10, contains specific statutory language. In substance, some of the critical elements are that the accused must have the “intent to defraud” and “falsely make[], create[] or alter[] a written instrument.” Moreover, in doing so, a defendant must also have “create[d],…


$32,000 “Criminal” Bank Error: Client Avoids Prosecution After New York Detective Seeks Arrest for Grand Larceny

The New York Grand Larceny lawyers and former Manhattan prosecutors at Saland Law PC are pleased to announced that our client avoided both arrest and prosecution for allegedly stealing approximately $32,000 from a bank. Detectives in a New York City suburb had sought out our client for arrest after bank…


NYC Criminal Law & Defense Resource: New York Bribery Crime & Law Information Page

Saland Law PC, a New York criminal defense firm founded by two former Manhattan prosecutors, has created a New York Bribery law and Bribery crime information page. The statutes in the New York Penal Law that address Bribery are New York Penal Law sections 200.00, 200.03 and 200.4. These crimes…


New York Criminal Lawyer Information Page: Offering a False Instrument for Filing in the First & Second Degree (NY PL 175.30 &175.35)

Whether you have been arrested in New York for Offering a False Instrument for Filing in the Second Degree (New York Penal Law 175.30) and need to consult with a New York Criminal lawyer or you are the target of a New York City theft scheme involving the crime of…


New York Criminal Lawyers Keep Client Out of State Prison After Two Indictments Charging Enterprise Corruption, First Degree Grand Larceny and Other Crimes

The New York white collar criminal defense attorneys and former Manhattan prosecutors at Saland Law PC are pleased to announce a successful disposition for a client charged in an alleged Enterprise Corruption and Grand Larceny scheme involving multiple millions of dollars. Our client, a physician, had been indicted by a…


I Used a Credit Card that Belonged to Someone Else: Potential Criminal Charges in New York Part I

Do I need a New York criminal lawyer? I found a credit card in Manhattan and used that credit card to buy a pair of jeans at Macys for $175. I took my friend’s credit card and purchased $600 worth of makeup and other accessories in a Brooklyn store without…


Embezzlement and Grand Larceny Crimes: Finding the “Best” New York Criminal Defense Lawyer or “Right” Attorney

You have been arrested or indicted for Grand Larceny and Embezzlement in New York. Maybe the case has not reached that point, but you are the target of an Embezzlement and Grand Larceny investigation by New York City prosecutors or law enforcement in the surrounding counties. The fear you have…


Arrested & Charged with Grand Larceny in New York: Potential Deals & Offers in New York Criminal & Supreme Courts

As a New York criminal lawyer and former Manhattan prosecutor, I have handled countless crimes involving Grand Larceny in New York ranging from a couple of thousands to tens of millions of dollars. Over the past couple of years, I have successfully kept individuals out of prison, obtained reductions in…

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