
Articles Posted in White Collar Crimes


Extortion and Grand Larceny in New York: Your Criminal Defense & an Analysis of NY Penal Law 155.05(2)(e), 155.30(6) and 155.40(2)

With the recent Extortion attempt of David Letterman by Robert “Joe” Halderman fresh in our minds, now would be a good time to share with my readers what constitutes Extortion under New York State law. As a New York criminal defense attorney and former Manhattan prosecutor who supervised the investigation…


New York White Collar Crime: Insurance Fraud in the Fifth Through First Degree (NY Penal Law 176.10 – 176.35) & Your Criminal Defense

Chubb, Kemper, Allstate, Geico…the name of the insurance company makes no difference at all. It is your actions, regardless of the insurance provider, that may land you in an upstate prison cell for perpetrating Insurance Fraud. As we at Saland Law PC have said time and time again, we are…


Untaxed Cigarette Sting Leads to 21 Arrests: Defendants Charged with Criminal Tax Fraud, Forgery & Other Crimes

A year long Westchester County investigation ended in the arrest of 21 people for their alleged involvement in the sale and transportation of untaxed cigarettes. It is alleged that during the course of the investigation, the defendants purchased $16 million worth of unstamped cigarettes from undercover officers. It is further…


Money Laundering in New York: White Collar Criminal Defense and Potential Fines (New York Penal Law 470.25)

As a former Manhattan prosecutor and a founding white collar criminal defense lawyer at Saland Law PC, I can confidently assert that District Attorney’s in NYC vigorously pursue all crimes. However, the reality of the financial crisis lends credence to the argument that white collar crimes, such as Money Laundering,…


New York Health Care Fraud in the First Through Fifth Degrees & Your Criminal Defense: Article 177 of the NY Penal Law

The New York State Attorney General and local District Attorney’s Offices actively pursue fraud regardless of where it rears it’s head. The heath care industry is not immune to such investigations by law enforcement. While numerous different criminal charges may stem from the same transactions, the common theme for fraud…


No Felony Conviction, No Jail and No Probation: NYC White Collar Criminal Defense Firm Gets Client Misdemeanor and Conditional Discharge for Alleged $25,000 Theft

Saland Law PC, a white collar criminal defense firm located in Manhattan, is pleased that we were able to assist another client in obtaining closure to a pending criminal case while preserving her liberty. Our client was charged with Grand Larceny in the 3rd Degree, pursuant to New York Penal…


Office Manager Gives Herself an Unauthorized Raise: $1.7 Allegedly Stolen from Arcadia Investment Partners

Some people should just keep white collar criminal defense attorneys on retainer. It seems that at least once every week or two, someone is arrested or indicted for Grand Larceny. While an arrest or an indictment certainly is not evidence of guilt, accusations of “sticky fingers” seems to be all…


Chase Banker Allegedly Defrauds Client of Over $100,000: Fake ATM Card Used

Robin Katz, the financial analyst at Chase Bank who was arrested for siphoning over $100,000 from a client, may have used a fake ATM card to perpetrate her alleged crime. As a NY criminal defense attorney at Saland Law PC who has had tremendous results representing clients in white collar…


Recent White Collar Case Results: White Collar Criminal Defense Firm Gets Top Results for Clients

On a regular basis, individuals in New York such as Robin Katz (the Chase banker recently arrested in Manhattan for Grand Larceny), Lawrence Salander (the Manhattan art gallery owner) and Anthony D. Marshall (the son of Brooke Astor) are accused of white collar crimes. As a result, the accused seek…


Criminal Possession of a Forgery Device (New York Penal Law 170.40): Criminalizing Equipment to Perpetrate Fraud

The crimes of Forgery (NY Penal Law 170.50, 170.10 and 170.15) and Criminal Possession of a Forged Instrument (NY Penal Law 170.20, 170.25 and 170.30) are crimes that White Collar criminal defense attorneys handle or deal with on a regular basis. Whether the facts revolve around counterfeit money, falsified mortgages…

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