
Articles Posted in White Collar Crimes


DA: Stockbroker Pads Resume and Portfolio – Former Maxim “Partner” Fools Merrill Lynch for $780,000

Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance, Jr. announced the arrest and indictment of Steven Mandala, a former stockbroker with the Maxim Group and Merrill Lynch. According to the District Attorney’s Office, Mr. Mandala stole $780,000 from Merill Lynch after he allegedly told Merrill Lynch that he was not only a partner…


Credit Card Theft & Fraud – New York Penal Law 155.30(4) & 165.45(2): Stealing or Possessing a Stolen Credit Card or Debit Card is an Automatic Felony in NY

It is very easy in New York State to compound a bad mistake and inadvertently roll it into a felony case. To find an example of this, one needs to look no further than the Grand Larceny in the Fourth Degree pursuant to New York Penal Law 155.30(4) and Criminal…


Unlawful Possession of Personal Identification Information (NY PL 190.81, 190.82 & 190.83) & Your Criminal Defense: Does New York Law Require the Use of the Personal Information?

You have been arrested with a print out of checking account numbers or a list of maiden names of ten different people. Although it is crumpled up in your wallet, you had not actually used the information or attempted to use that information. Well, is the mere possession of that…


Forgery (NY Penal Law 170.05 & 170.10) of Clothing, Jewelry or Handbags? Does Forgery Only Apply to “Written Instruments?”

The pertinent part of New York Penal Law sections 170.05 & 170.10, Forgery in the Third and Second Degree, plainly states that one is guilty of Forgery when with intent to defraud, deceive or injure another, a person falsely makes, completes or alters a written instrument. Depending on what a…


Home Health Aide Allegedly Steals Elderly Patient’s ID & Charges Over $50K Even After Patient Dies

According to the Westchester County District Attorney’s Office, Yves Archin, a home health aide working for a 79 year old woman who recently passed away, was arrested by Ardsley (Westchester County) detectives. It is alleged that Ms. Arching perpetrated Identity Theft and other crimes on an unwitting woman under her…


Manhattan White Collar Criminal Defense Firm Gets Dismissal & Misdemeanor After Client Accused of Two Thefts Totaling $70,000

Saland Law PC, a Manhattan based white collar criminal defense firm representing clients throughout the New York City region, is pleased to announce another tremendous result for a client in the arena of fraud and theft allegations. Our client, charged on two separate dockets, allegedly defrauded approximately $35,000 from one…


Don’t Use that Canceled Credit / Debit Card: NY Penal Law 165.17 – Unlawful Use of a Credit Card or Debit Card

It has happened to the best of us….even those who check their accounts daily. Maybe you just inadvertently went over your limit on your credit card or debit card. Well, in New York if you knowingly try to use that credit or debit card and it is “no good,” i.e.,…


Top Results: White Collar Criminal Defense Firm Gets Client “Slap on the Wrist” After Alleged Forgery and Grand Larceny of Approximately $17,500

Saland Law PC, is pleased to announce that another client has benefited from our experience, knowledge and advocacy. Our client, a movie “middle man” who procured funding for multi-million dollar projects, met with prosecutors after being contacted about a disgruntled client. Prior to retaining Saland Law PC, and without any…


Issuing a False Financial Statement (NY Penal Law 175.45): A New York Criminal Defense Overview

Issuing a False Financial Statement, pursuant to New York Penal Law 175.45, is certainly not the most severe crime amongst its brethren in the arena of white collar crimes, but one that has serious ramifications beyond the criminal context. First of all, this crime is often associated with or is…


A Reverse Subsidized Rent: Manhattan Building Manager Indicted for $1.3 Million Theft

A Manhattan building manager has managed to get himself into hot water with the Manhattan District Attorneys Office. According to Robert Morgenthau’s prosecutors, Mark Modano, of Mark Modano LLC, was arrest and indicted in connection to an alleged five year fraud beginning in 2003 and ending in 2008. It is…

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